Tired of being just a watcher or spectator on the sidelines.  Become a part of a team or build a Nonprofit Organization where you and others can play to win for social impact and social justice.  You have been passive for too long.  You know you have a burning desire to make a difference in the lives of others.  No need to be afraid. The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains.

Find yourself in one or more of these keys to the Social Impact Manifesto.  There are several different ways that you can participate and become a light or change agent for others.  Get involved as an advisor.  Become trained as a board member with C Nicole Henderson & Associates to serve in your organization or with others.  It is never too late to live our your purpose or mission that is burning in your heart.

We have the tools and the expert know how to walk with you every step of the way to Fast Track Your 501c3 Process and become a Hi-Touch Sustainable Organization.

Join the 10 month Leadership Council for Nonprofits.  Social Impact Leaders Master Mind/Round Table will be March, TBA.    

7 Ways to Attain Social Impact
1. Explore the benefits of volunteering
2. Make a difference in your community as light or change agent
3. Act on your Personal mission or Purpose
4. Share your expertise and talent on boards and offer advisement
5. Extend legacy and honor in the name of nonprofit organization
6. Create a plan of Social Good for your business
7. Make time and commitment to serve and give to others


Social Impact Manifesto
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Myths of Non-Profits

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