You are peculiar and set apart. You are an original. No one has your imprint, DNA, fingerprint or even your smile. You were made unique. YOU were given a unique call or mission in life to do more as well. There is this burning passion to do more, give more, make a difference in life of Others.

How and where do one begin to be like no other. To love like no other. To bless others like no other. To serve like no other. It begins with you. First you have to yield to a power greater than you to know that you are called to do this work. Servanthood comes with joy and some sorrows. You want to heal the lis of this world and make a better life for Others.

Take the challenge to become a Social Impactor. Read my past blog on the Manifesto of Social Impact and how to make a difference in the world around you. Many times it will start in your own home, neighborhood, work place before you conquer the world. Remember to be like no Other. Just be yourself. Do not compare or judge. Take moments to breathe and live in the present. It is gift that God gives us daily.

Like No Other
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